
Scale your way
to the top!

Learn more about snakes
in our fun and exciting game of
Snakes & Ladders!
Play the game and get a chance to win a $500 Kathmandu voucher!
Play the game and get a chance to win a $500 Kathmandu voucher!
Play the game and get a chance to win a $500 Kathmandu voucher!
Play the game and get a chance to win a $500 Kathmandu voucher!
George (QLD) played the game 2 minutes ago
Tanya (VIC) played the game 4 minutes ago
George (QLD) played the game 2 minutes ago
Tanya (VIC) played the game 4 minutes ago
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a game of Snakes & Ladders?

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About Bush Heritage

We’re a unified force for nature, grounded in science and culture. We work to heal and protect the bush, now and for future generations.

Bush Heritage Australia is a leading not-for-profit conservation organisation that protects ecosystems and wildlife across the continent. We use the best science, conservation and right-way knowledge to deliver landscape-scale impact. We’re on the ground, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the agricultural sector to make sure our impact is deep, sustainable and collaborative.